
B-1/1292, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi – 110070. INDIA
Tel : +91 11 41776449
Mob : +91 9910491889
Email : info@briskintelligence.com
Website : www.briskintelligence.com
‘A winner is one who assesses challenges and opportunities at the earliest, one who is well informed, makes intelligent choices backed by market facts and knowing that success has it’s own pitfalls is well insulated from risk’
Brisk’s Philosophy
All winning strategies without doubt are based on extensive research, analysis and intelligent choices.
Brisk Intelligence helps its clients make informed decisions by providing them with well researched facts and figures in a very concise and meaningful manner that helps them have clarity in thought processes and a competitive edge in business. Our business Information reports, industry reports, market intelligence, economic reviews and customized market research solutions provide a wealth of knowledge that is indispensable to decision makers at all levels.
If there is market / competitive information that can be unearthed, then we can do it for you.
Winners know how to operate within the realm of Risk
Eventually, the more successful a business or else the higher the stakes it becomes all the more necessary to be aware of the threats that the business is facing and have inbuilt safety measure in corporate initiatives.
Our risk assessment solutions range from an overall country risk assessment to financial and credit risk appraisal, corporate due diligence, risk due to information system security lapses, as well as change management.